Confidential Search Assignments Increase

Confidential Search Assignments Increase

I am not sure if this is a new market trend or it is results of our Berman Larson Kane past successes, but over the past 4 weeks we have pick up over 10 new assignments in this category.

For those not in HR or Staffing space  a confidential search is ordered when a client wishes to hire additional talent in a specific skill niche or title and does not want the opening brought to the attention of current staff.  Sometimes this is done because of the sensitivity of replacing a current employee because of skill or personality deficiencies.  Another frequent reason is that the organization has outgrown the talent scope of the employee’s abilities.  But the bottom line is confidential searches are order for numerous reasons.

So we at Berman Larson Kane approach these searches with extra precautions with the most important mission of first protecting the confidentiality of the client using many of the following steps:

1 – Recruiitng talent without revealing the employers identity until the 11th hour.

2 – Focusing recruiting efforts on passive candidates that will bring value to the client’s mission.

3 – Sometimes once finalist are isolated having them sign a NDA (Non-Disclosure-Agreement) so that the additional risk of clients opening spreading back to the hiring division is minimized.

4 – As part of the NDA making sure finalist do not post via social media or personal networks solicitations of information pertaining to the client.  In todays LinkedIn and Facebook world word of an opening can go viral.

5 – Arranging for interviews to be conducted off site or at our BLK Offices.

For our clients we are so please to put our experience to work on your behalf and thank you for your continuing trust in our talent discovery processes. We so appreciate your confidence in allowing us to add value to these sensitive and timely challenges.

If you are a potential client I would love to listen to your unique discipline challenges and see if we at Berman Larson Kane can recommend a cost efficient staffing solution.

Labor Day 2013

Labor Day 2013

 Our BLK clients are revving up for an aggressive fall hiring schedule. 

We have witnessed a slow down during the summer, but compared to the past 3 summers it was relatively busier.

Areas with the most aggressive hiring schedules remains, Information Technology across many job titles including programming, web developers, data warehousing, data base analysts and business analysis.

The technical sales hiring remains the most competitive environment with aggressive poaching between competing companies.  The business service sector continues to show additional improvements, with real estate development returning to the hiring cycle.  The clinical area has returned to hiring as consolation in the pharm industry has leveled off.  Demand for machinist continues to increase as the aging of this work force segment continues to advance.

So the bottom line that we at Berman Larson Kane continue to remain optimistic for the remainder of 2013.  We so thank our loyal clients for their continuous support and welcome the continuing additions of new clients to our services.

Enjoy  your labor day weekend it is the best market for employment in several years, although plenty of room remains for improvement with still so many struggling to find meaningful employment

Free Will Hiring Process Always Present

Here at Berman Larson Kane ( issue of “free will” is always present, as this toaster purchase so profoundly illustrates.

Visualize going to an appliance store and purchasing a simple low-tech toaster. You review the models, colors, features, warranties, and prices and make your selection. Now imagine the toaster having the ability to “review” YOU. What color is your kitchen? How many slices of toast will I be making each day, week, and month? Do you have plans to upgrade your kitchen in the near future? If you remodel, what assurance do I have of fitting in with the new décor? How many vacations will your family take? (So I can plan my non-toasting rest.) How often do you replace or rotate your appliances? Will you be cleaning my crumb trap regularly? What are your expectations of my toasting speed?

Well, as you can see, if a toaster had a free will, this simple purchase would become a very complicated, free-wheeling exchange. Each party – the purchaser and the toaster – has a free will, each has its own agenda, and each is looking out for its own best interest. Any answer that is not satisfactory to either party will negate the exchange. The possibilities of this purchase taking place are diminished with each question.

Now, take this toaster’s free will a step further, and imagine the toaster having legs, giving it the ability to leave your kitchen for any reason. When it arrives at your counter it decides that your kitchen’s color doesn’t compliment its own, so after two days the toaster leaves and returns to the store and awaits another buyer. Or worse, after 88 days of adjusting to its workings, the toaster decides that your microwave is unfriendly and departs. Even more insulting, the toaster runs off to your neighbor’s falsely perceived clean white kitchen, believing you neighbor only makes toast on Sundays, and leaving you with UN-toasted bagels.

Well, I am sure by now you get the point. Replace the toaster with “job-seeker” and the purchaser with “employer” and you can envision the complications of the hiring process. Or you can replace toaster with “employer” and purchaser with “job-seeker”.

Employers and job seekers should never lose sight that this free-will exchange is a continuous challenge to both parties during and after the hiring process.

At the very least, it continues to make the staffing business so fascinating to me. Even after 33 years of attempting to facilitate these freewheeling exchanges here at Berman Larson Kane (, I am always surprised by some new unique spin. Such is life as a recruiter.

Like us on facebook!/BermanLarsonKane to receive our current job posting.

New Competitive Landscape Develops for Talent Acquistion

We at Berman Larson Kane have witnessed a shift in the “IT Technology and Sales Staffing” that requires labor intensive steps to isolate the best talent. If this change has occurred in a few niches the majority of the market is not far behind. To recruit the best talent a recruiting plan that isolates the passive non-job-seeking candidate has always been the core of the BLK’s 33 years success. So to bring the best talent to your door we fish in three pools continuously.

Pool #1 – Qualified but Not Looking Talent – The majority of talent is not looking for a new job. Even if they are not 100% satisfied most employees are sitting at their desks doing a good job and bringing great value to their employers. Reaching out to this pool requires: organization, automation, tenacity, persistence and a very labor intense effort by our staff here at BLK. In organizing a work plan we at BLK need to discuss with the client: competitor sources, optional titles that this person might bear, email blast lists, lures to temp a passive candidate into speaking with the client, advantages to working for our client, career path, current and potential compensation and competitive advantages. All of these steps and many more require a very organized detailed plan and communication and sales skills by our recruiters.

Pool #2 – Qualified Actively Looking Talent – These are the millions of job seeking candidates that have their resumes displayed on the web. Whether displayed on the public, private, and niche or discussion boards. Sifting through this vast resource to isolate the “unique” requested talent is an art and a science and requires seeking, qualifying, and as the market becomes more competitive luring talent.

Pool # 3 – Actively Selective Looking Talent – These are what we refer to as web surfers. They do not have their resumes displayed on the boards nor are they sending out mailings to announce their availability. This is a group of talent that checks the job boards and selective websites on a regular basis looking for the ideal position or career move. To get the attention of this group one needs an organized web campaign that includes: job boards, social media, niche sites, corporate sites and agency sites. Attractive image, reputation, tenure and ethics presented correctly yield the best responses from this group. However, to attract the correct “unique” talent” using this method always means sifting through the 1,000 of incorrect responses to isolate the few correct ones.

So as you look to fill your jobs or find the best talent, remember jobs and hiring are very serious undertakings and the step of isolating the best talent is a very labor-intensive undertaking. We here at Berman Larson Kane have been attempting to get it right for the past 33 years and continuously are modifying and improving our systems to attack the “Best Talent the Market Has to Offer”.

If you have a talent acquisition challenge it is my pleasure to listen and see if we can recommend a cost effective solution. Thank you for your continuous support. Stay well. Bob Larson, CPC

Job Creation Numbers Not Wonderful Unless You are in Technology

88,000 a good number for numerologists “infinity and beyond”; but not much for continuing our path towards
better job growth.  These disappointing numbers are a sad contrast to the optimistic  projections of 175-180,000 by analysis has a measured
element of concern.

Well to examine the numbers more closely the professional business sector had a net increase of 51,000 jobs in March, down for April but still a sold increase.  What surprised us here at Berman Larson Kane is that the computer systems design and related services added only 3,900 positions in March.  Our BLK universe is experiencing heated competition for talent in this technology space with many clients being challenged to staff IT niches. We had expected a much larger number here although technical consulting service jobs added 6,200.

Looking forward the unemployment rate in technology is at tor closely approaching full employment.  So the war for good talent will continue to become more competitive as we get deeper into 2013 and beyond.

We thank all of our clients for helping us to a near record staffing Q1 with the prospects for Q2 2013 being extremely positive in technology
and technology consulting.

Berman Larson Kane remains concerned for so many job-seeker who have either given their job search and continue to struggle looking for suitable work.   According today’s report over 800,000 are in the discourage employment category and this is such an unacceptable number.

We will continue here at BLK with our mission of offering
the “Best Staffing Options” to our clients and the job-seeker population.


IT Talent “Hotter than a Bikram Yoga Studio”

The IT technical area is becoming a heated  competitive landscape for the “best talent”.  We here at Berman Larson Kane  continue to assist our clients with attracting and closing this shrinking talent pool. Good developers are in short supply. And we believe that the compensation in this niche will begin to grow in the 15-25% percent range for the upper tier of talent over the next 6-12 months. 

Pockets of strength include e-commerce, software development, content management, data mining and predictive marketing.  Systems and Network support/integration  are finding a new higher demand.  As software sales staffing leads the herd in competition for best talent.

As we at Berman Larson Kane continue to assist our clients within this IT staffing niche as we have for the past 33 years.  It is beginning to feel like a return to the past with candidates generating multiple job offers, current employers offing lucrative counters  to keep talent and candidates asking for edgy perks. 

The winner’s in this are our clients that are adjusting quickly to this emerging competitive landscape and are keeping the interview cycle moving at the blistering pace. 

As for our future predictions, the immediate future will continue at this blistering HOT pace and somewhere in what we are calling the distant future this market will find a more reasonable demand for talent balance.

As for now continue to network with all

Thanksgiving Job Advice Needed

Over the past several years the personal painful histories that we have witnessed, due to no job or
meaningful work, continues to be heart wrenching for all of us in the employment profession.

During this week of thanks, I encourage each of you as professionals to lend a hand, take a phone
call, share a LinkedIn invitation, review a resume, coach an interview or pass
on some advice to a challenged “job-seeker. It is the giving help to a job-seeker that is the true spirit of this holiday.

As president of our organization I assure you that we will continue our free out-reach programs to
assist all “job-seekers” with their efforts to gain solid employment. Since beginning this program 40 months ago over 52,000 individuals have participated. My wish is by Thanksgiving 2013 our webinar attendance will decrease to zero.  And this service will no longer be needed because all those who want to work can find work.

We at Berman Larson Kane thank each of you for your business support during our thirty-two year history.  We continue to experience an increase in hiring activity; however we never loose sight of the 16-18 million good folks that continue to be affected by our historically high unemployment rate.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. I assure you by sharing your employment expertise will make your holiday so much more rewarding.

Stay well….

Bob Larson, CPC
President Berman Larson Kane

The Perfect Match “1 for 2″ Hires

For the past several years many employer have staffed open positions with hybrids or candidates that have the skill set of two jobs. Sort
of a “1” hire  to met “2” open jobs philosophy.  We on the staffing side were more that happy to have the order to work and did everything in our power to discover the “1 for 2” talent.  And because of the large talented labor pool were often able to service  clients’ unique needs.

Well the professional business job market is moving rapidly towards normal and single skill shortages are surfacing especially in subsets of the
information technology market.  However the thinking of many employers continues in  “1 for 2” mindset.

We at Berman Larson Kane ( are witnessing a surge in IT hiring especially in Texas and Massachusetts.  Clients that are not prepared to accelerate the hiring process are losing valuable  talent to competitors.  The competition in this
space across the entire country continues to heat-up and at some point in the near future might return to Y2K and Dotcom urgency levels.

So the bottom line if you are an employer your best hire might be a “1 for 1” with a good cultural and personality match with quick
learner potential.

As president of Berman Larson Kane I thank all of you for your business and support.  I assure you we will do everything in the discover process to isolate the best talent the market has to offer for your open requisitions. Reminder we service direct hire, temp to direct and contract staffing
for 32 years at competitive  market rates.