Unemployment :-(

Today’s unemployment numbers showed a 10% rate in NYC and a 9.8% rate in NJ the highest in over 2 years.  This is not the direction we should be moving in at this stage of a slow moving recovery.

We at Berman Larson Kane (www.jobsbl.com) have been experiencing a slow down in job-orders over the past 5-7 weeks and new client orders have come almost to a standstill.  So the national report comes with little surprises.

The attendance at our community service FREE Job-Seeker Webinars continues to grow.  During this past month our total attendance surpassed 50,000 registrations over the past 24 months.  I am truly humbled by the volume of attendance and the many compliments and thanks received over the years.  We will continue with this service until attendance is diminished to zero, because all are working. https://jobsbl.com/jobs/coaching/webinars.php

Going forward I am predicting that this is a temporary bump in the road and that job creation will begin to accelerate in the not to distance future. 

On a personal note I have been involved in the employment field for over 35 years and have never witness such a long extended period of high unemployment.  In the past the return to hiring happened in the blink of a eye and I am optimistic that in the very near future we will see these UE numbers plummeting every month and job creation numbers increasing in all sectors.  As for now my compassion goes to the many long term unemployed who continue to seek work day after day month after month.