Our Berman Larson Kane (www.jobsbl.com) office has been without power for the past 3 days. Public service estimates a power return in another 2-3 days. If these estimates are correct that would be the longest phone and internet outage in our 31 year history. The lesson, look out for snow storms while the trees still have their leaves and the weather makes for wet heavy snow flakes. Today is Halloween and mother nature has played her “trick” with no visible “treat” for our services.
As for the job market and creation of new jobs October was full of surprises. We at Berman Larson Kane witnessed a steady increase in both contract and direct hire assignments. From the “treat” side we were given several new assignments for new clients, a very welcomed surprise. The IT/Software sales requirements lead the pack in volume and should be a leading indicator for increase technical hiring in the succeeding months. A few HR spots materialized in the benefits and compensation area, also an indicator of the beginning of HR hiring across skill sets.
As we enter the final two months of the year and the holiday season we are hopeful that these early indicators are a sign that the real beginning of job creation is at our door steps. It has been a long long time since all those that wanted to work could find work. I know we are still years away from achieving this lofty goal, but knowing with confidence that full employment is on the horizon would make for a wonderful holiday season.