Now that Bush has been elected to a second term, as a firm and person who earns his living on job creation, I really hope that this second term will create jobs here in the US.
The past few years have been really rough not only on our firm, but for many of our long term clients. Many have taken either drastic pay cuts or continue to be either under employed or unemployed. As a professional, this ecomony has serverly limited my abiltiy to secure employment and interviews for this large segment of the populaation.
Our BLK clients continue to seek bargains, and for the first time in my 27 years in the employment field have I witnessed wage deflation. Never before have I seen so many earn less then the year before as they seek new employment.
Well, now that Bush has secured another term, I hope that his programs and policies will begin to create new jobs and better opportunities for all. Here at Berman Larson Kane we have seen a small increase in orders, but nothing to brag about….and I hope that this is the beginning of the creation of new and better jobs for all. I will keep each of you posted as the remainder of the year unfolds.